Creative Writing


I am interested in how we write our Jewish lives, particularly in the form of fiction. While studying for an MA in Fiction Writing in the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Programme at Bar Ilan University I was given the space to experiment around this subject and to improve my writing. The resulting collection of short stories was published in 2014.  I run workshops to enable others to explore Judaism through writing.



(2014) "Herzl", WZO and Herzl Museum

(2009-2011) Writing workshops, Midreshet Emunah VeOmanut

(2010) "Cain and Abel," Midreshet Devorah 

(2009) "Looking back without Turning into a Pillar of Salt," Limmud Conference

(2009) "Creative Connections to Succot and Self" with Ilene Prusher, Shaarayich festival

(2004, 2005)  "Processing the March of the Living,” USY

(2000)   “Writing Jerusalem,” ISI